I started drafting No Matter the Distance in April of 2020. I was having terrible writer’s block because of the pandemic, and the book I’d planned to write just wasn’t coming. I finally decided to give it up and jump into drafting a story that combined some of my favorite things: verse, cystic fibrosis representation, and dolphins! I have always wanted to write a book about cystic fibrosis, since there are no other fiction books about CF by authors who share the disease, and I’ve never felt truly represented by any of the (very few) books that exist on the topic. Still, it took me until three books into my career before I felt ready to write about such a deeply personal, and often traumatic, topic! When I started writing No Matter the Distance, there was no connection between CF and dolphins—I just really wanted to write a book about a girl who befriended a dolphin, which has always been my personal lifelong dream. (It was also heavily influenced by my favorite book of all time, A Ring of Endless Light by Madeleine L’Engle.) However, as I researched for the story, I discovered that dolphins are prone to bacterial pneumonia caused by the same rare bacteria that cause recurrent pneumonia in CF patients. This remains the coolest fact I’ve ever encountered in research, and it provided the most beautiful thematic connection between Penny and Rose!