What can we learn from Icarus and his failed flight?
This is an in-person program. Wearing a face covering is optional at all library events.Many figures from Greek mythology are remembered for their power (Zeus), cunning (Odysseus), or tragic circumstances (Cassandra), but Icarus is remembered for his failure. Flying with wings designed by his father, Icarus ignored warnings about the dangers of altitude, and ultimately caused his own demise. This story has resonated throughout the centuries, inspiring writers, painters, composers, and psychologists. This talk will take a flight through the many versions of the Icarus myth throughout time and medium, as well as introducing comparable myths in other traditions.
Kristin Dorsey is a Professor in the Humanities Department at Central Oregon Community College. As a generalist, she teaches a variety of academic and creative writing classes, along with literature classes including Mythology and Folklore and Children's literature. She teaches community creative writing workshops, which keeps her excited about her own writing and that of others. She's the mother of preschool-aged twins and hopes they will embrace her wisdom more than Icarus did Daedalus's.