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Let us know what you thought about this program by filling out a short survey: the rich geologic history of our local landscape with retired USFS Geologist, Carrie Gordon.
Rocks tell stories of time passing, climate change and cataclysms. Floods cascaded across the Pacific Northwest. Mountains have roared. Come explore the rich geologic history of Central Oregon.
Carrie Gordon is recently retired from being the Forest Geologist on the Ochoco National Forest and Crooked River National Grassland, U.S. Forest Service, headquartered in Prineville, OR. In 1977, Carrie received her BA in Geology from Central Washington State College (now Central Washington University), in Ellensburg, Washington. After working in central Washington, northern Arizona and the Oregon central coast range for the Forest Service, Carrie moved to central Oregon in 1992. She is a Registered Geologist in the States of Oregon and Washington. She is also an Oregon Master Naturalist, through the OSU Extension program. Carrie has had a life-long fascination with the land and the rocks, listening to the stories they tell.
Carrie's Curated List of References for Exploring the Crooked River Caldera: