Explore women's roles and gender in India with Dr. Anita Weiss.
India's culture is a rich and diverse one, one engrained in religion and custom. Dr. Anita Weiss, professor in the Department of International Studies at the University of Oregon, explores the customs, traditions, and roles women and gender play in India, and how these roles have evolved within the framework of Hinduism and the changing political landscape of the times.
Anita M. Weiss received her doctorate in sociology from UC Berkeley and is professor of International Studies at the University of Oregon. She has published extensively on social development, gender issues, and political Islam in Pakistan. Her recent books include Development Challenges Confronting Pakistan (co-edited with Saba Gul Khattak, Kumarian Press, 2013), Pathways to Power: the Domestic Politics of South Asia (co-edited with Arjun Guneratne, Rowman & Littlefield, 2014; South Asia edition published by Orient BlackSwan 2014) and Interpreting Islam, Modernity and Women's Rights in Pakistan (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014; South Asia edition published by Orient BlackSwan, 2015), which analyses how distinct constituencies in Pakistan are grappling with articulating their views on women's rights. She has just returned from six months in Pakistan on a Harry Frank Guggenheim research fellowship conducting interviews for her current book project, Countering Violent Extremism in Pakistan: Local Actions, Local Voices. Professor Weiss is a member of the editorial board of Globalizations, has been a member of the Research Advisory Board of the Pakistan National Commission on the Status of Women, and was the co-PI of the Karakorum International University University of Oregon university partnership. She recently stepped down, after seven years, from being Department Head of International Studies. Professor Weiss teaches Bollywood's Lens on Indian Society at the University of Oregon.