
Library Closure: Frequently Asked Questions

Posted By:  Tina Walker Davis
Date Posted:  3/18/2020

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What library resources can I use while branches are closed?
You can check out eBooks and digital audio books, stream movies and television shows, and more using the library’s many digital resources. We are purchasing more eBooks and audiobooks during this time, and have increased the number of checkouts available each month through Hoopla and Kanopy. Find more information about checking out digital resources here.

You can also use additional online resources, such as Creativebug, Mango Languages, Gale Courses, and more. Check out our databases here. We've also added back into our collection of resources, giving you free access to Lynda's hundreds of skill-building courses.

We also have a number of our presentations and lectures available on our YouTube channel and on our Facebook page under the Videos tab.

I have items due. Will they be late?
No. Due dates are extended on all circulating materials until June 15.

Can I drop off my materials in the book drops?

In light of Governor Brown's Executive Order 20-12, we are closing all book drops at our libraries. The order directs all Oregonians to "stay at home to the maximum extent possible." Due dates have been extended on ALL library materials in your possession, so please hold onto them until we re-open. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.

What if some of my holds are ready for pick up?
The library will adjust hold and pickup procedures to accommodate the library closures. We will do everything possible to ensure that requests for materials stay in place during this time.

Why can’t I place new holds through the catalog?
Staff are unable to process holds while we are closed, so we are temporarily disabling holds on physical items. You can still access and place holds on eBooks and digital audiobooks through OverDrive and Libby. There is no waiting/holds when accessing eBooks and digital audiobooks on Hoopla.

Can I still apply for a library card?
We are processing library card applications during the closure. If you are a Deschutes County resident 17 or older and need a library card, you can apply for one online here by clicking on "Pre-apply online." We will process applications online, and aim to get a card number to you via email within three business days. Your card number will be sent to you via email. 

Can I reserve a meeting room?
Meeting rooms are currently unavailable for reservations. We will open the reservation system as soon as possible following the re-opening of the libraries.

I have a different question. Is there anyone that can help me?
While staffing is diminished at this time, we will do all we can to respond to questions and provide assistance. Please be patient, as there may be a delay in answering. Call our main line at (541) 617-7050 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday; if you get voicemail please leave a message and a staff member will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also use our Ask a Librarian service, which provides brief answers to factual questions, as well as providing suggestions for resources that might help you find what you need.

When will you open again?
The library will remain closed until further notice. We appreciate your understanding during these unprecedented times.

Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
