
Know Mexico: Maps of Early Mexico: Conquest and Resistance

Posted By:  Tina Walker Davis
Date Posted:  9/5/2012

Stephanie WoodWhile boundaries on a map may seem concrete, the lines drawn—and who’s drawing them—were once upon a time influenced by loyalties and rivalries. Join University of Oregon instructor Stephanie Wood at the East Bend Public Library on Thursday, September 13, at 6:30 p.m. for an exploration of how Spain’s mapping of its growing empire—Mexico, in particular—was not very precise, and, indeed, could have aggressive and acquisitive aims.

Stephanie Wood, director of the Wired Humanities Projects at the University of Oregon and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of History, discusses the European maps of the Americas from the Age of Exploration. Such maps eventually came to include Mexico (then called New Spain), highlighting the details of the landscapes and settlements of this very important Spanish colony. Wood demonstrates that early cartography in a colonial context and struggles over territories and landholdings could also lead to the emergence of defensive fakes and forgeries. The slide presentation will also include examples of maps made by native people of Mexico.

Stephanie Wood is the Director of the Wired Humanities Projects at University of Oregon. She has a doctorate in Latin American history from University of California, Los Angeles and has published several books, dozens of articles, and multiple electronic collections about Mexico.

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Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
