
Coping with Trauma

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Date Posted:  8/29/2022

Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the shootings in Bend on Sunday, August 28. There are resources available to anyone struggling with grief, loss, and traumatic stress. Deschutes County's crisis phone line is available 24/7 to anyone who is experiencing a crisis or needs crisis support: 541-322-7500 ext. 9 ( Deschutes County Behavioral Health encourages anyone, regardless of insurance, to call them if they need assistance. They provide access services to adults, children, and families and can provide referrals.

There are counselors on site at Pilot Butte Middle School on August 29 and 30, from 3:00-7:00 p.m., for anyone who has need of their services.

In addition, you'll find books and other resources available through your library for youth and adults:

Coping with Trauma for Kids: 

Coping with Trauma for Adults: 


Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
