Celebrate Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Posted By: Liz Goodrich
Date Posted: 11/15/2006
December 12 is Day of our Lady of Guadalupe and Deschutes Public Library invites you to celebrate the popular Mexican icon at a program titled, “Guadalupe: From Creole Symbol to Guerrilla Fighter,” at the Bend Public Library on December 9 at 2:00 p.m.
According to program presenter Stephanie Wood, a research assistant for the Center for the Study of Women in Society at University of Oregon, “most historians agree that it is nearly impossible to describe contemporary Mexico and its history without reference to this dark-skinned version of the Christian Virgin Mary.” Her powerful image is ubiquitous, appearing not only in churches, but also in homes, marketplaces, and even in taxis. According to Wood, anthropologist Hugo Nutini finds that she is revered by some people more than "God the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Ghost." How can we account for her intense and enduring popularity? What in her image appealed to the Spanish conquerors, the American-born Spaniards, to people of mixed heritage, and to indigenous peoples? The slide show presented by Wood will trace historical representations of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexican political movements and explore her meaning for people of Mexican heritage residing in the United States today, particularly as depicted in works of art.
Joining Wood during the program will be local artist Cristina Acosta, who explores the image of Guadalupe in many of her pieces. Acosta will be displaying some of her large pieces and discussing the importance of the image of Guadalupe in her work.
For more information about this or other library programs please call 312-1032.
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