
Share The Vision

Posted By:  Liz Goodrich
Date Posted:  1/28/2006

Fast forward to the year 2030. What does Bend look like? Will towering parking garages dominate the downtown landscape? Will there be a light rail system in place? Join in the community discussion of the Bend 2030 Community Vision at the Bend Public Library on January 30 at 4:30 p.m. in the Brooks Room of the Bend Public Library. This program is free and open to the public.

The mission of the Bend 2030 – Our Community Vision, is to create a 25-year vision for the Bend community and a strategic action plan designed to achieve this vision over time. A 27-member Vision Task Force comprised of a broad cross-section of area residents will oversee and steward the development of the vision statement. The public will be engaged at three key points during the coming year. During Community Forum Week the community members are invited to attend facilitated discussions. The information gathered during the discussions will be used by the Task Force to help develop a community vision for Bend. It will also be compiled with other data and shared with the community during the Vision Summit, scheduled for early March. The final project, Vision Road Show, when the draft vision will be shared with the public is scheduled for late April.

For information about this or other library programs, please call 312-1032.

Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
