
Calling All Flyfisher People

Posted By:  Liz Goodrich
Date Posted:  4/15/2004

Steve Light demonstrates the fine art of fly-fishing on Sunday, April 25, at 2:00 p.m. at the footbridge in Drake Park. Light’s demonstration is part of Riverfest and programs supporting Deschutes Public Library’s Novel Idea: Read Together community reading project. The program is free.

Under the tutelage of his grandfather, Light first learned to catch catfish and bluegill on juicy nightcrawlers on a pond in Alabama. Light says because he lived in Michigan, he didn’t learn to fly-fish until “the ripe old age of 15.” Travels brought Light to the West, where he fell under the spell of fly-fishing. “I was taught by every fly rod angler who wadered up,” says Light, who is not opposed to asking questions of any fisherman, woman or child who will hold still long enough to listen.

In February 2001, Light opened Central Oregon Outdoors in Redmond, a store that serves both the beginner and the expert fisher person. He says the biggest myth surrounding fly-fishing is that it takes “physical prowess to be successful with a fly rod.” He sites Joan Wulff, a woman close to 80, as a perfect example. “She pioneered the sport of fly-fishing, not just for women, but for a whole nation of wanna-be fly rodders. She is still fishing and teaching, a testament to the appeal and adaptability of fly-fishing.” Light’s program will include a demonstration of basic fly casting technique and skill building methods that can be used at home. Please bring your own rod, regardless of condition! Light will have extra rods available for participants to use.

For more information about this or other library programs, please call 312-1032.

Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
