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Date Posted: 1/30/2006
Library2Go is a new, free service that allows library patrons to download audio books onto a computer, MP3 player, or burn them to a CD. Library2Go is available through the cooperation of the Deschutes Public Library and the Oregon Digital Library Consortium. Eight public libraries cooperated to create the Oregon Digital Library Consortium, sharing costs and pooling resources in order to better serve their patrons.
The libraries involved are: Corvallis-Benton County Public Library, Deschutes Public Library, Eugene Public Library, Jackson County Library Services, Library Information Network of Clackamas County, Multnomah County Library, Salem Public Library, and Washington County Cooperative Library Services.
“This is technology at its best,” said Electronic Services Librarian Liisa Sjoblom. “Best-selling titles are available 24/7 from the website, and are playable on a patron’s PC or MP3 player at home, in the office, or from anywhere in the world. These computer files expire after 2 weeks so there is no need to return items and no late fees. Best of all, Library2Go is free for all Deschutes Public Library cardholders.”
According to Sjoblom, to access audio books users will need a valid library card and access to the Internet. Free digital book software for a PC, OverDrive Media Console, is available on the Library2Go website –
An OverDrive Audio Book title is a digitally-protected audio book that has been optimized for download. OverDrive Audio Book titles are built using the Microsoft® Windows Media Audio format. iPod products are not compatible with this system.
“Library users can check out four (4) audio books at a time and they expire automatically from the customer’s PC after two weeks,” said Sjoblom. “A book can be checked out again if no holds are pending on the title, and an individual can place up to ten (10) holds.”
Sjoblom stated the four steps to download audio books from the Library:
1. On your home, school, or work PC, download, install and register the Overdrive Media Console software.
2. Select audio books to download.
3. Check your audio books out with your library card.
4. Download and enjoy!
For more information, please contact Liisa Sjoblom at 617-7093.
Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023