Help us select next year's Novel Idea... Read Together book
Posted By: Chantal Strobel
Date Posted: 5/17/2004
Click on the Novel Idea logo to submit your online suggestions. We will be hosting our second annual “A Novel Idea… Read Together” program in April 2005. This program encourages Deschutes County residents to all read and discuss the same book.
Please suggest 1 - 3 titles that you believe would be of interest to the people of Deschutes County. Please keep in mind the following criteria when suggesting a title:
1. A well-written, discussable book that explores basic human truths and has characters dealing with issues in their lives with whom readers can identify.
2. A book that appeals to a wide audience – from confirmed book lovers to those who may not yet consider books and reading basic to their lives.
3. A book written by an author with a body of work – offering the opportunity to read beyond the selection.
4. A book available in a variety of formats (audio, DVD, video).
Thank you for making our first year's Novel Idea program so successful! We couldn't do it without your support.
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